Excess amount of sagging skin, stretch marks, or a protruding belly due to pregnancy and delivery or weight loss
Good health, do not smoke, and have a stable weight
Women who are planning to get pregnant in the future are advised to delay surgery until they are finished having children.
Flatter tummy with better aesthetic contour
Repair and tightening of the abdominal muscles
Disappearance of stretch marks
Relief of symptoms of backaches
After the Surgery
A tummy tuck is performed under a general anesthetic and will take approximately 2.5 hours to complete. Most patients are able to return home two hours following the surgery.
Occasionally, a surgical drain is used to prevent any fluid buildup and it is usually removed after one week
You’ll need at least 14 days to begin your recovery, so be sure to schedule that time off from work, if necessary, before you have your procedure
A supportive compression garment is usually worn for the six weeks following surgery in order to reduce swelling and aid in the healing process
You may also experience some discoloration once healing begins, which may take a few months to disappear, as well as a feeling of tightness. This is also normal, and temporary
You can expect to see your final results in about 6 months. If you had any associated procedures performed simultaneously, your recovery period will likely last longer, and it may also be longer before you see the final results